Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lab 2

1.  The name of the quadrangle is the Beverly Hills quadrangle.

2.  The adjacent quadrangles are Hollywood, Canoga Park, Burbank, Inglewood, Topanga, Van Nuys, and Venice.

3. It was first created in 1966.

4.  The North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) and the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) were used to create this map.

5.  The scale of the map is 1:24 000.

6.  a) 1,200 m
     b) 1.89 miles
     c) 2.64 inches
     d) 12.5 cm

7. The contour interval on the map is 20 feet.

8.  a) Public Affairs Building- 34° 4’ 20” N   118° 26’ 15” W or  N34.072° W 118.4375°
     b) Santa Monica Pier-  34° 0’ 32” N   118° 30’ W  or N34.089°   W118.5° 
     c) Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir- 34° 7’ N 118° 25’ 1” W  or N 34.117° W118.41°

9.  a) Greystone Mansion- 560 ft.  170.668 m.
     b) Woodlawn Cemetery- 140 ft.  42.672 m
     c) Crestwood Hills Park- 720 ft. 219.456 m

10.  UTM zone 11

11.   362000mE. and  3763000mN.

12.   1,000,000  ft2    92903.04 m2


14. magnetic declination  -  14°

15.  It flows North to South from high elevation to low elevation.


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